Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 5 of my juice feast,I'm half way there!

Well today I'm feeling some detox symptoms. I'm nauseous , my skin is breaking out and I have a rash. I'm feeling pretty cranky! Plus my new juicer is really taking a long time to get here. My old one is starting to overheat, it's driving me crazy. I really need my new one hopefully it will come tomorrow.

It's funny because last night I felt really great. We even had family over for our usual Sunday night dinner and smelling the food didn't bother me at all. I was content with my delicious carrot, kale, celery juice. It was a very nice evening. My family didn't think it was strange that I was doing a juice fast. I was really happy that they were just accepting of it and that they didn't make a big deal out of it.

I'm hoping I'll feel better tomorrow, I'm proud of myself for doing this fast and I will not give up no matter how tough things get. This has been a good experience for me even the tough parts, I've learned a lot about myself.

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